Thank you to everyone for all of the thoughtful kindness and sympathy you have sent my way. The cards, the emails, the phone calls, the food, the words of encouragement, the gifts in my mother's memory (such as five eucalyptus trees being planted in Australia) all of it has been so amazing.
Here is a link to her on-line obituary, a few of you have asked about it.
We will be hosting a memorial service on Sunday, October 25th at Syl and Lyle's farm. It will be a small-ish gathering and pretty simple in its essence. Mainly we just want to remember my mom and allow people to share their thoughts and emotions.
I have started a list of things I do and want to remember about my mom. It's a very straightforward list at this point, like a laundry list. But it has been so good for me to keep it. For example, her never wavering love of butter. How she would tuck a spring of mint in her bikini top when we lived in Fresno. Polishing her white nurses shoes with white shoe polish for a quarter. Her ancient red wallet held together with a thick rubber band, the kind they use on broccoli at the supermarket.
It's just this quiet way for me to cope. But also to remember.